




After I gave birth and felt half dead all the time, after the rage and the tears, after my heart exploded with caring and understanding, before any diagnosis, I searched for this horse. I knew the only place I was really growing with self love was at @cellardoorequestrian . My trainer found me #skytop. He needed to be able to handle kisses. Prerequisite. Truly. And he did. #mrnibbles. We only had a short time before I couldn’t even get to him or stay on. But he has come so far. And even though I may seem like I have gone farther away, I am learning and getting healthier. Even as I get seemingly sicker. I will jump this horse around again. Affording horseshows will require some major work opportunities ahead. So I am asking for it all. I am asking. For all of us who want it. Ask. Ask. Listen. I have the unicorn. Now I have to be able to find him again. #tbt. #loveheals

Selma Blairさん(@selmablair)がシェアした投稿 –





(Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Race To Erase MS)






I am here. I am not with my son. I am in the place of getting better. needing to believe in this knowing we will never know. Strange. I count on the spirits of this world more than I ever thought. Thank you. This journey is a realization about the breaths around me. More than even my own. I need you. I need this boy to see me do things I never thought I could. And I will do my best. It really is gratitude. #arthursaintbleick #jasonbleick my @the_alinker_world family which makes me feel so much hope when we unite to bring these devices to people like me #together. To get us out and moving. Love. In sickness and in health.

Selma Blairさん(@selmablair)がシェアした投稿 –


